Edge Family Cemetery Association

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Copyright © 2024 Edge Family Cemetery Association. All rights reserved.


At the annual meeting in 2023 a commitee was appointed to revise the bylaws of the Association. The revised document was approved by the Board on 1 Jun 2024:  EFCA Bylaws

The bylaws committee also defined committees which the Board may create from time to time to carry out their duties. Those committees are described here: Committees

Many questions about burials in the cemetery are answered in the Burial Regulations.

Fillable forms for membership and burial requests can be downloaded here:

Membership Application             Burial Application


Gordon Waldeck - great grandson of Francis Marion Edge

Hal Harwell - great grandson of George Washington Edge

Richard Edge - great grandson of William Thomas Edge

Michelle Kossl - 3rd great granddaughter of William Thomas Edge

Bruce Lawhon - great grandson of Josah Catherine Edge Ludolf