Edge Family Cemetery Association

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Copyright © 2024 Edge Family Cemetery Association. All rights reserved.

Cleanup of the Edge Cemetery
William B. Edge Reunion


Date: Saturday, March 23, 2024

Time: 9:00am - 2:00pm

Many if not all of the post oaks in the cemetery have died because of the drought.  Please bring chain saws, loppers, wheel barrows, bars, shovels, etc. 

Lunch and the business meeting will begin at 12 Noon. Bring your favorite lunch items and drinks to share. Ellen will bring the paper goods, plastic wear, cups and trash bags.

  William B. Edge Reunion

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Time: 9:00AM till 2:00PM; lunch at noon

Place:  Kendalia Community Center, 2610 Hwy. 473

What to bring:

·        Two dishes: meat, side dish, or dessert.  Mark your containers.

·        Your own drinks if you want something other than coffee, tea or

·        water.

·        One gift (crafts, plants, books, CD’s, etc.) per family for the adult door prize drawing.  Let’s include some kids’ gifts.  We’ll have a separate drawing for the kids.

·        Stories - prepare to reminisce and share stories about the past.

·        Bring your family tree updates (addresses, phone #, emails) for the Edge Directory or email changes to edgericks@gmail.com.

·        Voluntary donation to offset expenses.

As was mentioned at the cemetery clean up there will be a committee report on the updated bylaws.

If you have questions or suggestions, contact Ellen Ricks at 210-673-0841.  Please share the reunion date with your family members as we still do not have all emails and addresses.